Conversion rate: 5 strategies to improve it

Here are some tips to follow and set up to improve the conversion rate on your website: 

1.     Insert CTA text in blog articles:
Integrating call-to-action into blog articles is a recognized good practice, but sometimes they go unnoticed. This phenomenon of advertising blindness that leads users to ignore the banners displayed on a website is very real.

 The tendency of the latter to hover over the content also explains that blog posts are not always read to the end. 

2.     Integrate lead feeds to the blog:
Another strategy is to integrate a stream of prospects into the blog. These pop-ups are designed to drive conversions by drawing the visitor's attention to a value-added offering.

Several formats exist: scrolling banner or sliding or contextual window. Sliding windows tested on the Hub Spot blog increased click through rate by 192%, and bid by 27%, compared to a standard CTA at the bottom of the page. 

3.     Test the landing pages:
Landing pages are a cornerstone of web marketing. They make it possible to turn a visitor into a lead and allow existing leads to deepen their engagement. To optimize these high stakes pages, it is recommended to conduct A / B tests. 

Because landing pages are a powerful performance driver, Hub Spot makes it easy to test different variants to Conversion Rate Optimization marketing services. It is possible to quickly test different phrases, content offers, images, form questions and layouts. 

4.     Allow leads to convert immediately to MQL:
Some visitors want to get in touch directly with the sales team, without the need to receive marketing offers. Allow them to take action and instantly convert to MQL through tailored design and intelligent CTAs.

5.     Create workflows to increase the responsiveness of the sales team
A number of automated workflows can maximize the efficiency of the sales team. For example, it is possible to send emails allowing the leads to make an appointment in one click, or to notify the sales team by e-mail as soon as a lead performs a particularly relevant action, such as consulting the page. Website rates. 

For e-commerce sites, it is also possible to send a personalized e-mail to visitors who abandon their shopping cart by offering to complete the transaction they had undertaken.
